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Halloween Resolutions to Make This Year

It’s a brand new year, my spooky little friends, and the countdown to October 31st is on! One of the things a new calendar year ushers in is the R-word: resolutions.

Everyone is making them: lose weight, eat healthier, get more sleep, read more books…

And those resolutions are great. But this year, what if we set some Halloween resolutions for ourselves? Y’know, things we’d actually look forward to getting done? Things that don’t feel like a chore.

If you’re looking for a few ideas, here are three Halloween resolutions you can make this year to help you get a jump start on your October plans.


Halloween Resolutions to Make This Year


This year instead of creating a Halloween costume for a big party...I created one for the blog. Here is my Spirit of Halloween costume!


1. Resolve to work on your Halloween costume now

Anyone else fall victim to having an elaborate Halloween costume idea…and then never executing it? Me too.

Now is the time to get started – you have more than nine months to come up with your idea, seek out all the pieces you need and practice any makeup that goes with it.

Looking for costume ideas? I’ve got a few!


Take the Halloween 2019 home tour of the Spooky Little Apartment! Today I'll show you how I've decorated my living room for October.


2. Resolve to sort through your decor and donate what you don’t use

Over the years, I’ve amassed quite the Halloween collection from buying goodies I love and friends giving me items they don’t want. And, honestly, it’s a bit out of control.

In fact, only a fraction of what I have in storage is featured in my home tour posts over the years. YIKES!

This is the year I get serious about giving my Halloween decor the Marie Kondo treatment! Keep an eye on this Instagram account if you’re interested in the decor I’m parting with. Anything too large to ship will be donated.



3. Resolve to host a Halloween party

A Halloween party is THE best way to celebrate October 31st, in my opinion. And even though I seriously downsized my own celebration in 2019…I still stand by wanting to host gatherings to make the most of the spooky season.

Much like that costume, now is the time to get started brainstorming ideas for this year’s party. We do just that in my Killer Halloween Party group on Facebook, and if you need a little more guidance on planning your spooky soiree, I’ve even got an e-course to take you through every step.

Not sure where to get started? Check out the party archives!



What Halloween resolution will you set this year?

Whether it’s one of mine from this post or something else entirely, I’d love to hear it! Share your Halloween resolution in the comments.


Happy haunting,



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