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NEAR MINT Vintage Halloween Thanksgiving Dennison Bogie Book, Décor Ideas, 1925 — Halloween

What was the purpose of Dennison’s Bogie Books? They were printed and sold for either a nickel or dime directly to consumers by Dennison or indirectly to consumers through the numerous stationary shops that once thrived in this country. But, why? The answer was to foment market excitement so that Dennison’s products would sell. They wanted to get these advertising booklets in the hands of consumers who were expected to repeatedly turn the (generally) thirty-two pages while they created their list of buys. Hence, these Bogies are almost always well-thumbed, heavily used ephemeral items. Which leads me to my point: to have one offered in this condition is unusual. Its unmolested pages and tight binding bear testament to its gentle handling over these nearly 100 years!

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