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A Valoween Playlist – Spooky Little Halloween

This Valoween playlist almost didn’t happen.

This post was originally published in February 2021 and last updated in February 2023. 

Back in 2017, I put together a playlist of Halloween Love Songs for Valentine’s Day. Then in 2019, I followed it up with Creepy Love Songs.

But this year, I decided I wanted to make a playlist specifically for Valoween. Only…I’d kind of burned through all the songs I wanted to use on those first two playlists.

While I might repeat some songs from playlist to playlist, I try to keep things as fresh as possible…so I went digging on Spotify. I started searching phrases like “spooky love”, “haunted love”, “love spells” – whatever I could come up with to see what I would find. (This has been one of my favorite ways to discover new Halloween tunes since well before I started the blog.)

There were some gems, which you’ll find on this playlist. There were several duds, which are still out in the Spotify universe for someone else to enjoy. As the songs started coming together, there was a definite sound emerging.

Quiet, sultry, romantic, a little haunting.

So I ran with it, and I have to say…this might be my favorite playlist I’ve ever created. It’s the perfect little collection of 14 (of course) songs that will help you celebrate February 14 the Halloween way.


Valoween Playlist



If Spotify is not your preferred method for streaming music, here is the complete playlist so you can create it yourself:


This Valoween playlist (that's a Halloween Valentine's Day) is full of spooky romance and perfect for your February 14 celebrations!



Looking for more Valoween fun?

Here are a few blog posts from the archives you might enjoy:


Happy Valoween,



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