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New Lantern Triumph from Tim Ramzyk!! — Halloween

Feast your eyes on this fantastic work of art by the inestimably talented Tim Ramzyk, owner of Pulp Novelties. I received this lantern a few days ago after a jaunt to California Adventure for their annual Oogie Boogie Bash. What a fitting coda to a fun week!
Tim’s ability to generate fantastic lantern imagery astounds me. This dual-sided lantern is intricately molded and colored. It is a true eye-catcher, large and well-proportioned. Tim calls this latest masterwork Shock and Menace: Two-Faced Jack-O-Lantern. I find it hard to fathom that it is priced at only $230 plus postage!
Those of you who regularly read my blog know that I seldom buy new items, no matter how good, as space is at a premium. I prefer to decorate with old items. However, I long ago decided that Tim’s annual creations deserve a place in my home – a decision that certainly was better than my call decades ago to turn my nose up at Kokomold hard plastic! 🙂
If you like quality items made in limited quantities, I encourage you to snap up Tim’s output whenever you can.
He plans to release Shock and Menace in limited quantities through his Etsy shop on both Sunday, October 15th and Sunday, October 22nd at 4pm Central. After the latter date, Tim will switch from selling through Etsy to fulfilling orders for the lantern by request. To get on his request list, one need only send an email to and provide a zip code. There is no obligation to buy. Requests will be filled in the order in which they were received via a PayPal transaction. 
Don’t delay. Happy Halloween!

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