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Adults-Only Halloween Party From Martha

Sounds debaucherously suspicious.  

Oh, Martha.

Garden-of-Evil Punch

Deeply colored frozen fruits-kumquats, husk cherries, red grapes, and pomegranate seeds-float atop a brew of dry sake, plum wine, and pomegranate juice, a blood-red liquid well-suited to an All Hallow’s Eve celebration. The finishing touch is a garnish of hibiscus and begonia leaves.

Medusa’s Hair Grissini with Dark-Night Dip

Black tahini transforms baba ghanoush into bubbling tar. Luckily, it’s still as creamy of texture and smoky of taste as usual. The perfect partner for this delicious Dar-Night Dip is our unique and creepy Medusa’s Hair Grissini “snakes.” Never was a next-level snack so easy to make: Divide store-bought pizza dough in two, add a little squid ink to half, and roll and bake it into crisp but not straight grissini.

and Telltale Hearts.

Notched dried figs stuffed with goat cheese, wrapped in prosciutto, drizzled with balsamic vinegar, and skewered with decorative picks invite your guests to eat their hearts out.

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