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All I Want For Christmas is Halloween: A Playlist

Before I started Spooky Little Halloween, I wrote a music blog called The Good Groupie – the entire point was to celebrate genuinely loving music without all the drama and hype.

This post was originally published in December 2018 and last updated in November 2022. December blog posts are part of the 13 Days of Creepmas

In other words, I was writing a blog about music I love without trying to be a snob about it. I believe in unapologetically loving the music that moves you.

But there was ONE genre of music I could get pretty snobby about: Christmas music.

If I’m honest, Christmas music isn’t my favorite…mostly because I think the classics are all we need. Or they’re all I need, anyway.

But Halloween Christmas music? Now that’s a subgenre I can totally get behind. Today I’m sharing a little playlist I created for the holiday season…plus two more killer holiday playlists from The Spooky Vegan and Mr. and Mrs. Halloween for you to listen to!

May I present…


All I Want for Christmas is Halloween


All the songs I’ve picked are either fun kitschy tunes, parodies or holiday songs that are a bit more spooky or macabre. It’s an eclectic mix I hope you enjoy.



And just in case Spotify is not your preferred method for streaming music, here is the complete playlist so you can create it yourself:



Want more Halloween Christmas music? You’re in luck!

The Spooky Vegan has a wonderful Gothic Christmas playlist you can listen to, and Mr. and Mrs. Halloween put together a massive Creepy Christmas playlist as well.



What is your favorite spooky holiday tune?

Share it in the comments – I’d love to add more songs to my playlist.


Happy haunting,

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