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How to Celebrate Halfoween – Spooky Little Halloween

Happy Halfoween, spooky little friends!

This post was originally published in May 2020 and was updated in April 2022.

What is Halfoween? you might be asking. Just like it sounds! Each year around the end of April/beginning of May, the Halloween community celebrates the halfway mark to October 31st.

Some celebrate it April 30, others on May 1. Personally, I like to mark it on May 2 because it’s exactly 26 weeks to Halloween. (It also happens to be my birthday and, well, why not?)

More and more of us are celebrating it year to year, and I love that it’s becoming a thing.

If you’re looking for ideas for marking Halfoween, you know I have you covered. Here are eight of my favorites, plus some resources to do each one.


How to celebrate Halfoween:


Try a new pumpkin recipe

I don’t know about you, but I always seem to have a few extra cans of pumpkin stashed in my pantry for an emergency pumpkin fix.

Looking for a recipe? This pumpkin bread is my all-time favorite, but I’ve also got suggestions here and here.


Make your own bat terrarium for Halloween for less than $10! Spooky Little Halloween will teach you how + give you step-by-step directions.

Make an easy DIY

Seriously, it doesn’t get any easier than this mason jar bat terrarium I made a few years ago. It’s one of my faves, and I’m betting you have the basic items already around your haunted house.


Find a costume in your closet

What pop culture character can you become using clothing you already own? I’ve had a blast becoming Sabrina Spellman and then Aunt Hilda from “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” and even Hopper from “Stranger Things”.

I’ve also done my own take on a black bat, pictured above, using items from my closet.


Clean out your Halloween stash

We ALL have a bit too much Halloween decor, don’t we? Why not spend a little time going through your collection and weeding out those ideas you don’t absolutely love? Divide things into piles of what you can donate and what might be too far gone to salvage, then donate your items to a local thrift store. 

And hey…no one will tell if you do a quick pass through the seasonal section while you’re there to see if there are any new treasures to take home! 😉


Watch a horror movie

Um…Miranda. You hate horror movies. Well, my spooky little friend, let me tell you something: I have FINALLY come around on them.

My friend Matt assigned me this killer list of must-watch movies in the spring of 2020…and I have officially watched all of them. I’m even in my second year as a subscriber of – gaspshockShudder!

I’m still not great with blood and guts (I recently tried to watch “Fresh” and quit 50 minutes in because I couldn’t do it.), but horror directors—you’re welcome to mess with my mind all you’d like with your psychological thrillers!


Research Halloween cocktails

I love a good spooky cocktail and am always on the hunt for something new over on Pinterest. Candy corn moonshine is sounding just crazy enough to be worth a try right about now…you can also browse the recipes I’ve shared on Spooky Little Halloween.


Start a spooky playlist

My tip: pick a theme, then see how many songs you can find for it. Love vampires? Make an all-vampire song playlist. Dig songs with spooky bass groves? Make a playlist. Have a soft spot for a certain music genre? Make a…well, you get the idea.

Check out my tips for creating a Halloween playlist if you need some help getting started.



How do you celebrate Halfoween?

There’s no wrong way to do it! Share your plans in the comments.


Happy Halfoween,



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