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Introducing By Pumpkin’s Light, My New Halloween Podcast!

For years you guys have asked me when I’m going to start my own podcast.

And I’ve always felt like it was too big of a project to tackle and said “maybe someday”.

Well, today “someday” finally arrives.

Please say hello to my new creative project, By Pumpkin’s Light.



This podcast has been MONTHS in the making, so let me tell you all about it!


About the Podcast

You can keep reading for the story of how it all came to be, but here is everything you need to know:

By Pumpkin’s Light is a new biweekly Halloween podcast from myself and Mike from All Hallows Geek! In each episode, we’ll sit down with a guest to tell the story behind their love of Halloween.

We’ll be talking to fellow content creators, musicians, artists, small business owners, haunted attractions and events, and more. Our goal is to get to the heart of what they love about October 31st, then share how that led to the Halloween magic they create in the world.

The first THREE episodes drop tomorrow (May 3, 2023) on your favorite podcast platforms! Look for interviews with LVCRFT, artist Sam Heimer, and Sam from Halloween Happy.

If you want an easy way to keep tabs on new episodes, sign up for The Pumpkin Gutzette, our monthly newsletter sent the first Tuesday of every month.

You can also follow us on social media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


The Behind-the-Scenes Story

So…how did this all get started? Mike and I are each sharing our own version on our sites today, so be sure to go read his as well!

If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll remember about a week into quarantine I started doing nightly Instagram Lives. I invited my friends and other creators/creatives in the Halloween community to chat spooky stuff for roughly an hour. It was the perfect escape in a weird time.

But it was also a fun way to test out an idea that’d been percolating in my head since the previous summer: could I start a Halloween interview podcast? Would anyone want to be on it? And, the real question, would anyone even listen…?

The answer seemed to be YES based on the response to my two-month Instagram Live series…but I wasn’t ready to take it on by myself just yet.

Enter Mike, the All Hallows Geek.


If I remember right, we were sitting together eating pizza the Friday night of Midsummer Scream 2022 when it first got brought up.

“Are you gonna ask her?” Mike’s wife Misty asked him.

She got a look and was told, “Well no, not right now!”

Cut to me, looking between the two of them, wondering what on earth the question was. I got told he’d ask me later…so I spent the rest of the weekend waiting.

The next morning as we arrived at the convention center, I asked.

“Is it time?”

Not yet.

Saturday evening as our whole group hung out outside the convention center (pictured above), eating dinner, and waiting to head back in for the after-party.

“Is it time?”

It was not.

Sunday afternoon as we all prepared to part ways again.

“Is it time?”

Still no.


It wasn’t until I was back in Texas the following week that Mike pitched me the idea of partnering up to co-host a Halloween interview podcast. I don’t think I even let him finish before I said yes.

And to be clear, I wouldn’t have said yes to just anyone for this project. But to Mike? There was no second thought.

Partly because a podcast was something I’d been wanting to do since 2019.

But mostly because I knew if I teamed up with Mike—someone who has run and grown a news-based site into a small empire over the last six years—he would have the same commitment to quality and consistency as me.


So after Halloween season ended last year, we jumped into putting together the pieces. We fleshed out the concept, the thing that would set us apart from the other Halloween and adjacent podcasts out there. We came up with a name. And we spent hours working on all the behind-the-scenes pieces so it all looks flawless.

This feels like a lot of patting ourselves on the back when all we’ve really done is build something we would want to listen to.

And we hope you will too.


Our first episodes with LVCRFT, artist Sam Heimer, and Sam from Halloween Happy drop tomorrow, May 3, on podcast platforms everywhere!

I can’t wait to share more of this new project with you as we go into another Halloween season.
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