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PUMPKINROT.COM: The Blog: Halloween II

We watched this 1981 sequel recently and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting older or what, but the middle part, those slow scenes inside the hospital, no longer troubled me.  It felt slow, but not in a bad way.  It felt like the late hours of the night on Halloween, right before November 1st.  

The atmosphere and style were all there, despite not having John Carpenter as the director.  The story is still very interesting and elevates Laurie from someone who was randomly chosen by Myers to being way more significant.  I never had any issues with the fact that she turns out to be Michael Myers’ sister.  From a sequel point of view, it really works well.  The classroom scene where Myers has done some exposition for the audience never bothered me either.  Writing ‘SAMHAIN’ on the chalkboard in blood was always such a strange element.  I used to try to picture Myers in that classroom.  Skulking around in the world he remembered back before he murdered his sister and was incarcerated.  It never felt out of character for him to write on the board…  we’re dealing with a guy who dressed up as Bob’s Ghost in the first film, who arranged a tombstone (that he plucked from a cemetery) at the head of a bed as he displayed Annie’s dead body.

Then we get poor Ben Tramer’s fiery death.  I might be obsessed with this character’s tragedy story.  And of course we also get an amazing performance by Donald Pleasence.  In a lot of ways, this film is about Loomis and not Laurie.  Halloween II and IV are like love letters to Dr. Sam Loomis, and you feel his absence in every scene that’s missing this wonderful actor.  (I forgive him for mispronouncing ‘samhain.’)

The production design really got it right when decorating the scenes with Halloween decor.  So many staples of the time, with some really great homemade decorations as well hanging in the hospital hallways.  

We loved revisiting this film and seeing it with fresh eyes, watching it late at night with glowing Halloween blowmolds and flickering candles all around.

Click below for the classroom scene, a personal fave…

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