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The Best of Spooky Little Halloween | Halloween 2022

This Halloween season was an absolute blur!

Mostly because I spent a lot of it on the road visiting family and friends. It was a blast, but I can’t believe we’re already at the end of October.

Good thing we celebrate all year long around here, right? 😉

Each year, I like to take a look back at some favorite blog posts—both from you guys and my own picks. It’s always SO interesting to go through Google Analytics and check out the most-trafficked blog posts.

If you missed one of these in the archives (most-read picks) or from this season (my faves), here’s your chance to check them out and bookmark them for next year.


5 Most-Read Blog Posts for Halloween 2022

Wondering what the most popular blog posts were on Spooky Little Halloween this season? Here are my top five most-read posts. (You guys were digging in the archives this season, and I love it!)


5. 7 Halloween Party Activities Your Friends Will Actually Love

With Halloween parties back in full force, this was a popular read. There are SO many kid-friendly party activity ideas on Pinterest, but I decided we needed a collection of grown-up options. Many of these I’ve used with my own friends at Halloweenie Roast. READ MORE


My step-by-step for how I made a smoking pumpkin for a photoshoot, the best smoke grenades to use and my tips for killer photos.

4. How to Make a Smoking Pumpkin

A favorite on the blog! There’s a gif that has floated around of a smoking pumpkin for years, so I decided to turn it into a DIY…and it turns out making a smoking pumpkin is easy. It’s the photography that’s the trick. You can find my new spot to grab awesome smoke bombs for photos (plus a discount code) and my photo tips and tricks in this blog post. READ MORE


The only thing I love more than a a Halloween margarita. Here are 11 recipes to drink on a beach or under the glow of the October moon.

3. 11 Halloween Margaritas

Who doesn’t love a good margarita? They were my favorite batch cocktail to serve at Halloweenie Roast because they were easy to customize. Check out these 11 recipes I rounded up to enjoy any time of the year. READ MORE


Looking for killer Halloween party themes for this year's spooky celebration? Here are 15 ideas that will take your party to the next level.

2. Killer Halloween Party Themes

My round-up of theme ideas for Halloween parties was popular, so I hope this means several of you were looking at hosting a gathering again this season. Halloween parties are my favorite way to recapture the spooky magic I felt as a kid trick-or-treating. If you feel the same, check out these 15 theme ideas. READ MORE


Check out my playlist of 100+ songs with witchy vibes. Whether you're looking for something dark and dangerous, light and ethereal, or supernatural in nature, you're bound to find it on my Witchy Vibes playlist.

1. Songs with Witchy Vibes

THE most popular playlist I’ve ever created. That surprises me because I expected nearly everyone to take issue with how I defined “witchy” songs. You can read more in the blog and find the link to the playlist. I’m still adding to it, so there’s always something new to discover. READ MORE



My 5 Favorite Blog Posts of Halloween 2022

Of course, when you’re a Halloween blogger, being asked to choose your favorite post is like picking a favorite pet or child – impossible! So here are 5 of my favorite posts I wrote this Halloween season.


Can't wait for the McDonald's Halloween pails to return? Check out these 13 things you'll love until they're back Oct. 18, 2022!

5. 13 Things You Need if You Love the McDonald’s Halloween Pails

Has everyone else been having fun collecting the new Halloween pails this year from McDonald’s? I sure did! And I love that so many creators have shared their love for them too by making shirts and stickers and so much more. READ MORE


4. Costume in my Closet: One Fit, Three Halloween Costumes

It was simple (most of my costumes are around here), but I really loved how the three looks with this skirt/crop top combo came together for this blog post. READ MORE


3. Halloween & Chill 2

In 2019, I wondered what Halloween and chill music would sound like so, naturally, I made a playlist. Then I immediately started a second one and finally shared it this season. Playlist #3 is already completed, and #4 is in the works! LISTEN HERE


2. 100 Things to do This Halloween Season

I’ve been big on lists of activity ideas for a few years because sometimes you need a little guidance to get started…so I created a list of 100 things to do during Halloween season and shared it on July 23—the 100-day mark to October 31st. It’s been SO much fun watching people share their activities on social media this season. Best part? Nearly the entire list is evergreen, so you can use it year after year. READ MORE


1. How to Slow Down and Enjoy Spooky Season

And finally…the unexpected piece I ended up writing for the season this year. A reader asked for ways to slow down and enjoy the season. I shared my ideas with my email list and loved it so much that I ended up turning it into a blog post too. READ MORE




Whether you’ve been around since the start of the blog or just found me this year, I appreciate you spending a bit of your season with me.

Don’t forget, I do Halloween all year long so if you need your daily dose of spooky stuff, is the place to hang out all year! You can follow me on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Pinterest.

And for a weekly Halloween treat in your inbox every Friday be sure to sign up for my email newsletter, Treats Not Tricks. I’ll also send you my free digital Halloween zine when you join!


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