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The Ultimate Vampire Playlist – Spooky Little Halloween

Here’s some music you can really sink your teeth into!

This post was originally published in October 2016 and was updated in August 2022.


Really? Not into the vampire dad jokes, guys?

Sigh. Okay.

(But I’m just saying, I think Goth Dad would be tickled by that one.)

Even if my joke fell flat for you, we’re still going to talk about vampires today—the non-sparkly kind, please.

I think at some point in the past decade-plus, we’ve all probably been sucked into some facet of vampires in pop culture, whether you binge read all the “Twilight” books (guilty…), got addicted to “True Blood” (also guilty), or you’re just old-school and into “Buffy” (guilty again). So it’s only appropriate that these Halloween icons have a playlist on Spooky Little Halloween solely dedicated to them!

I originally shared this playlist back in 2016 (WOW!), and it included a measly 12 songs back then. Over the years, I’ve found more and more vampire favorites that don’t suck (I’m sorry, I love dad jokes!), so I’ve rounded them up in this playlist.

This is one of those playlists that I’ll keep adding as I find more songs. Below you’ll find the link to the full playlist on Spotify. (If you don’t have Spotify, you should be able to scroll through the embedded playlist to recreate it on your preferred streaming platform.) You’ll also find eight of my very favorites if you want a TL;DL (too long, didn’t listen) look at the music.

I hope these songs will bring a smile to your face…and a tingle to your exposed neck.


The Ultimate Vampire Playlist 🧛


And just in case you don’t want to sit through 50+ songs to find a gem, don’t worry – I already did it for you.


Here are my eight favorite vampire songs on this playlist:

  1. Batman, Wolfman, Frankenstein or Dracula by The Diamonds—If you love older kitschy spooky tunes, a la “Monster Mash”, you will love this one.
  2. Beware by Bill Buchanan—Part song, part story. This one always leaves me feeling a little creeped out.
  3. Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) by Concrete Blonde—A classic for a reason. Every time I listen to this one, I feel like I’m haunting the streets of New Orleans, scared I’m going to bump into Lestat…
  4. Dracula’s Theme by The Ghouls—An instrumental pick that is such a great mood setter!
  5. I Want to Bite Your Hand by Gene Moss & Fred Rice—Yes, this is indeed a parody of The Beatles’ “I Want to Hold Your Hand”. Cheesy and fun!
  6. My New Friends Are Vampires by Nancy Nightmare & The Wizard—A more modern tune inspired by “The Lost Boys”. After listening, you’ll wish all your friends were vampires too.
  7. (She’s My) Vampire Girl by Groovie Ghoulies—Dig the punk rock sound? At just over two minutes, this song fits the mold perfectly.
  8. Vampire by John & Jehn—A staple for my Halloween party playlists. I LOVE how this song opens. It gives off the perfect Halloween feels.



What’s your favorite vampire-inspired song?

Share it in the comments, and I will add it to the list.


Happy listening,



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